Absence Management
by The Information Lab
The Accelerator for Absence Management provides the People Team with insights into the levels of absence across the business, as well as giving information about the most common reasons for absence. Annual absence costs the business several million pounds each year, the plethora of reports will give the team lots of insight so they can take positive action to reduce absence and its associated costs and disruption to the business.
This Accelerator is a product of The Data School, a division of The Information Lab, and it’s designed to adapt to any business. Customers may adapt it for their own business on their own or contact The Information Lab to find out how they can help ask and answer critical questions with data.
Answer Key Business Questions
- How many days were employees absent from work in the last year/month?
- What main reasons for absenteeism?
- What is the loss to the employer due to absence?
- What is the employee absenteeism rate?
- What is the employee lost time rate?
- What is number of sick days distributed by month and weekdays?
Monitor and Improve KPIs
- Sickness absence rate for last year/month and overtime by department, location or job title
- Lost time rate for last year/month and overtime by department, location or job title
- Yearly average sickness cost
- Monthly average sickness cost
- Main sickness causes and details
- Distribution of sickness days by month and weekday in chosen year
Required Data Attributes
- Date (date) the date of the absence
- Employee ID (string) a unique identifier of an employee
- Sick day (int) the number of sick days on this date
- Annual leave (int) the number of days of annual leave on this date
- Attended (int) the numbers of days attended work on this date
- Department (string) the department of the employee
- Job title (string) the job title of the employee
- Location (string) the workplace location of the employee
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