Workforce | Tableau Exchange


by Tableau

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This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Assess the composition of your workforce and how it trends
  • Assess and Reduce Employee Churn
  • Predict which employees are the most likely to churn
  • Drill-back at “Employee” level of detail, directly in your HR Application and take immediate actions

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Answer key business questions

  • What is our current headcount? How many FTEs do we have?
  • What is our number of global FTEs, and how is it evolving?
  • What is the seniority of our employees?
  • What is our employee turnover? Which departments are the most impacted by employees who leave?
  • What is the gender balance in our company? How is it evolving?
  • What is the career detail of this specific employee?

Monitor and improve KPIs


  • Headcount: Number of employees being employed by the organisation at the end of a given period (a part-time employee counts as one)
  • FTE: Number of full-time-equivalent employees being employed by the organisation at the end of a given period (a part-time employee at 50% counts as 0.5)
  • Year(s) of service: Average number of years employees have spent in the organisation (expressed in years)
  • Avg Age: Average age of employees (expressed in years)
  • Avg Occupation Rate: Average occupation rate across employees (expressed in %)
  • Part-time Employees: Number of employees working part-time, namely that their occupation rate is less than 100% (expressed in %)
  • Part-time Employee %: Number of employees working part-time, namely that their occupation rate is less than 100% (expressed in %)

Employee Churn

  • Starters: Number of employees starting in the organisation
  • Leavers: Number of employees leaving the organisation
  • Employee Churn Rate: Share of employees who left the company in the last 12 months (expressed in %)

Required attributes

The requested data set is a snapshot of all employees, on a monthly basis:

  • Month (date): Month snapshot
  • Organisation (string): Organisation to which the employee belongs to
  • Department (string): Department to which the employee belongs to
  • Employee # (string): Employee unique identifier
  • Employee (string): Employee name
  • Birth Date (date): Employee birth date
  • Gender (string): Employee gender “Male”, “Female”
  • Nationality (string; role: country): Employee nationality
  • Entry Date (date): Employee entry date in the organisation
  • Position (string): Employee position at the month of the snapshot
  • Occupation Rate (numeric): Employee occupation rate. [0.5 stands for 50%; 1 stands for full-time employees]


Supports data mapping


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