Accounts Payable | Tableau Exchange

Accounts Payable

by Tableau

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Accounts Payable is the money owed by a business to its creditors (suppliers for instance), basically the sum of outstanding supplier invoices (shown as a liability on a company’s balance sheet).

This Tableau Accelerator allows you to:

  • Improve the payment of debts to creditors
  • Assess & Optimise the balance of payable accounts
  • Fairly estimate how much cash you will withdraw in the coming months
  • Plan payments of outstanding invoices
  • Define A/P strategies by creditor segment
  • Deep-dive at Creditor level of detail
  • Drill-back at “Invoice #” level of detail, directly in your Financial Application and take immediate actions

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Answer key business questions

  • How much does the company owe to suppliers and creditors?
  • What is the ageing of accounts payable?
  • Who are the key suppliers and creditors?
  • Which obligations require special attention?
  • Which actions to prioritise to maintain positive relationships with suppliers?
  • How to best plan for upcoming payment obligations, and effectively manage working capital requirements?
  • How timely are we in making payments?
  • How efficient is the company’s payables process?

Monitor and improve KPIs

Invoice Amount

  • Total Outstanding Amount: Total amount still to be paid to our creditors, including invoices that are still on-time to be paid (expressed in currency)
  • Total Overdue Amount: Total amount still to be paid to our creditors for which payment is overdue (expressed in currency)
  • Overdue Amount %: Share of overdue amount on total outstanding amount (expressed in %)
  • Total Invoice Amount: Total amount of all invoices
  • Total Invoice Amount (cleared late): Total amount of invoices paid after due date (for cleared invoices only)
  • Invoice Amount % (cleared late): Share of invoice amount paid overdue on total invoice amount (expressed in %)

Number of Invoices

  • Nb Outstanding Invoices (not cleared): Number of invoices that are not cleared yet
  • Nb Invoices (cleared): Number of cleared invoices
  • Nb Overdue Invoices (cleared): Total number of cleared invoices for which payment was overdue
  • Nb Overdue Invoices % (cleared): Share of cleared invoices that were paid overdue (expressed in %)

Payment Duration

  • Actual Payment Terms: Average Duration between Invoice Date and Clearing Date, weighted by the invoice amount
  • Agreed Payment Terms: Average Duration between Invoice Date and Due Date, weighted by the invoice amount
  • Avg Days Deviation from Due Date: Average number of days between the actual payment date of an invoice and the date due, weighted by the invoice amount (a negative value indicates that, on average, payments are made in advance of the due date)
  • Nearest Invoice Due In: Indicates the number of days until the next outstanding invoice is owed (excluding overdue invoices)


  • Nb Creditors: Total number of creditors (whether or not we owe them outstanding invoices)
  • Nb Creditors (with outstanding invoices): Total number of creditors with whom we have outstanding invoices
  • Nb Creditors (with overdue invoices): Total number of creditors with whom we have overdue invoices

Required attributes

  • Invoice # (string): Invoice unique identifier
  • Invoice Date (date): Date of the invoice
  • Creditor (string): Provider/Creditor name
  • Due Date (date): By when the invoice is due
  • Cleared Flag (string) ← expected values: “Y”, “N”. “Y” means that no additional payment is expected
  • Clearing Date (date): When the invoice was cleared
  • Invoice Amount (numeric): Invoice amount
  • Outstanding Amount (numeric): Amount which is still to be paid on the invoice


Supports data mapping


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