MotherDuck / DuckDB | Tableau Exchange

MotherDuck / DuckDB


by MotherDuck


MotherDuck provides a simplified, performant and efficient data warehouse (based on the lightweight DuckDB engine) for the 95% of data teams and data app developers that don’t need petabyte scale.

Its unique architecture blends the flexibility and scale of cloud with the power of users' own laptops for analytics. The current data warehouse model is a big mainframe monolith that everyone shares, often leading to resource contention. With MotherDuck, each user gets her own duckling (isolated runtime), so users have a consistently performant experience.

Analyst-focused: MotherDuck focuses on key tasks [loading data, analysing data, integration with ecosystem], providing a simplified experience.

  • Serverless – no need to worry about tinkering with setup
  • UI makes key data engineering tasks easy
  • AI assists
  • Beautiful, lightning-fast SQL
  • Use your laptop for horsepower to speed up analytics and reduce cloud costs.

Architected for Data Apps as a fast and cost-effective solution to handle high-concurrency, low-latency workloads

  • Each user gets her own duckling (isolated runtime), so users have a consistently performant experience.
  • WASM client for 60-frame-per-second experiences in the browser

World-class support provided by a customer love organisation driven by creating superfans


  1. Download a [recent ` of the DuckDB JDBC driver]( and copy it into the Tableau Drivers directory:
    • Desktop Windows: C:\Users\[YourUser]\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Drivers
    • Desktop MacOS: /Users/[YourUser]/Documents/My Tableau Repository/Drivers
    • Server Windows: C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\vizqlserver\Drivers
    • Server Linux: [Your Tableau Server Install Directory]/data/tabsvc/vizqlserver/Drivers
  2. Download the signed Tableau connector (aka "Taco file") file from the latest available release and copy it into the Connectors directory:
    • Desktop Windows: C:\Users\[YourUser]\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Connectors
    • Desktop MacOS: /Users/[YourUser]/Documents/My Tableau Repository/Connectors
    • Server Windows: C:\ProgramData\Tableau\Tableau Server\data\tabsvc\vizqlserver\Connectors
    • Server Linux: [Your Tableau Server Install Directory]/data/tabsvc/vizqlserver/Connectors

Full Instructions with screenshots here

Tech Specifications

Works with
Tableau 2020.4 and later
